Art Ed 489 is a course that all schools option art education majors take the semester before they student teach. It involves teaching a Saturday morning art class for 8 weeks. I along with two other teachers Michelle Hartman and Susan Tremblay) developed a 8 week unit for 7 and 8-year olds. We taught two lessons together, and then each teacher developed and taught two of their own lessons with the help of the other two teachers. Here are some highlights of the unit we developed throughout the semester and an in-depth look at the two lessons I developed.(#4 and #5)
UNIT TITLE: Community: Building Ourselves and Our Environment
Unit Rationale: The students will look closely at the different elements that make up a community. They will explore this through using different mediums and creating different pieces of art that will ultimately be assembled into a collaborative city. It is important for students to be aware of their surroundings and how different elements affect themselves and the people around them. Through evaluation and assessment of their individual projects and discussion, they will learn how their individual efforts can contribute to a community.
Lesson 1: Experiences Color All Around Us (Team Teach)
Lesson 2: What’s the story?: Looking at Cartoons and Comics (Susan teacher, Michelle assistant, Marilyn documentor)
Lesson 3: Art: Making Art for Everyone (Susan teacher, Marilyn assistant, Michelle documentor)
Lesson 4: Underwater Adventure: Exploring the Texture & Color of Ocean Creatures (Marilyn teacher, Michelle assistant, Susan documentor)
Lesson 5: Our Surroundings: Taking a Critical Look Around (Marilyn teacher, Susan assistant, Michelle doumentor)
Lesson 6: Building a House: Exploration of Texture, Color, Shape, and Space (Michelle teacher, Marilyn assistant, Susan documentor)
Lesson 7:Skyscrapers and Skylines: Creating a City Dynamic (Michelle teacher, Susan assistant, Marilyn documentor)
Lesson 8: Putting it all Together, Reflecting on the Community we Built (Team Teach)
Lesson Plans/ Student Work Page