~Still life with Matisse~


Samples of Matisse’s work

Black paper 9x12






Still life, thumbnail sketches, composition, view finder


Unit Rational:

This unit will introduce students to Matisse, and Fauvism. They will also learn about still-life, and how to incorporate aspects of Matisse’s work into their pieces.



Students will gain an understanding of Matisse’s work.

Students will make decisions about color and composition

Students will learn how to work with pastels



9.1- Production of art

9.2- Historical and cultural content

9.3- Critical response



Students will walk in to see the still life set up; they will then see pictures of Matisse’s work on their tables. Students will be questioned about the work and be asked to compare it to other still life posters hanging around the room



Day 1

The beginning of this lesson will start with a discussion about what a still life is. Students will learn a little bit about the history of still life paintings, and about the artists Henri Matisse. They will look at some of his still-life’s. The students will be giving the assignment to draw 5 to 6 items that are placed on a table in the center of the room. Students will be introduced to the word composition, viewfinder, thumbnail sketch, fauvism, and expressionism. The introduction of these words will come about in a demonstration of how to use a viewfinder. Each child will have their own viewfinder, and have to look at still life and think about how they could make a good composition. Then the teacher will draw some quick examples of a still life making good and bad compositions and having the students respond to them. After the introduction is complete, the students will be introduced to the grading rubric, and what will be expected of them throughout this lesson. The students will be given a scrap piece of paper to practice some thumbnail sketches. Once they decide on a composition they like, then will begin to draw it on their black paper with a pencil. Assessment will be continued observation throughout the class to make sure the students are grasping the concept of composition.


Day 2

Students will enter, and we will recap what we talked about the class period before. Students will continue drawing their still lives, once they are finished, they will trace over their pencil lines with glue. Then be set out to dry for the next period. Once dried, the glue will leave black lines surrounding the objects in their pieces. Assessment will once again be teacher observation.


Day 3

Again recap the events of the last two classes, to check for understanding. Students will watch the movie Drawing with pastels, and will also watch me do an example using the pastels. I will go into learning how to blend the pastels and how o add highlights and shades to the pieces of their still life. I will also show them how the pastels can be used to create bright vibrant color. If time permits, they will begin to color in their still lives. I want them to use bright and vibrant colors like Matisse did in his work, and to not be afraid to use arbitrary color. They will be reminded that this is a part of the grading rubric.


Day 4

Students will complete coloring on their pieces, and fill out an evaluation of their piece, we will also do a short class critique if time permits, which will recap the lesson, and check for student understanding throughout the process.


Student will grade themselves, using attached form, and I will grade them as well, as students finish I will have them come up to me to talk about how they graded their work, and why they gave themselves the scores they did. Then I will go over their grades, and give them what I think that they deserve on the project. In the next class I will hand back the grade forms. If they want to do more work to up the grade I gave them, they will be given a chance to come in and work more on their pieces.



Drawing with Pastels video by Gail Price

The life and work of Henri Matisse book by Paul Flux






Student Still Life Evaluation


Name ________________________________________



Your Grade

Final Grade



/ 25

/ 25

Composition/ Layout

Is it interesting?

/ 25

/ 25

Use of color to create an interesting piece




Craftsmanship/ neatness



Total Points




What did you like best about this project?




What did you like least?
